Big Dialer – Now available!

The Big Dialer iPhone application was designed to help people with vision problems and/or shaky hands make dialing numbers on their phones easier – especially for seniors. The very large buttons are color coded to be highly visible, and the application can announce the numbers as you press them. You can select from one of three color schemes for the buttons.

If you press your finger on the phone number, the phone will announce back the numbers you’ve entered. If you shake the phone, it will clear out the numbers you’ve entered.

It gives you access to your phone’s contacts and can tell you the name of the contact you’ve selected.

If your hands are a little shaky and you enable the feature to resist double pressing, the application will prevent more than one button getting pressed per second.

You can search for the “Big Dialer” app in the iTunes App Store, or click this link.

The main dial pad screen
The settings screen showing the simple options
The contact selection screen
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